PAINTING WORKSHOP with José López Vergara at La Galería Roja.
DATE: 21, 22, 23 y 24 Noviembre de 2024.
Thursday: 06:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday, saturday and sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
DURATION: 25 hours.
PRICE: 480€
PLACE: La Galería Roja. Calle Peral, 57. Alameda de Hércules. 41002, Seville.
PAINTING WORKSHOP with José López Vergara.
Day 1
The first day we will focus on the drawing and design of the portrait.
We will look at the structure of the head, the positioning of the face on the skull, and getting a work that looks good from the start.
We will talk about the use of lines to design a portrait and about compositional elements to manipulate reality and create a beautiful painting.
Day 2
On the second day we will apply the first coat of paint. We will talk about how light affects the surface of the skin and how to achieve a three-dimensional effect using color, values and texture.
Day 3
On the third day we will give the second coat of paint to sections that need it and add some details with the intention of finishing the portrait. We will talk about the qualities that make a painting attractive.
Day 4
The fourth day will serve to make corrections if necessary. We will talk about how to integrate the portrait into the background.
-Round tip brushes of various sizes. One with a square tip and some with a cat’s tongue. Something similar to the ones in the photo but each person can bring the ones they normally use.
-Wood panel or fine cotton canvas already prepared with gesso and ready to use. About 30x40cm or 50x60cm.
Preferably fine texture linen, Claessens 13 or Claessens 15.
The panel or canvas must be prepared with a transparent layer of paint in a medium neutral tone (neither too dark nor too light) and allowed to dry a few days before the first day of the workshop to make the process more comfortable.
A clear coat can be applied using Gamblin’s Van Dyke Brown diluted with white spirit.
Or mixing Black with Brown diluted with turpentine to obtain a neutral tone.
If you prefer the surface to be uniform, you can pass a cotton cloth or kitchen paper over the surface to remove excess paint and any traces of brush strokes.
– Turpentine without odor (Essence of Petroleum Inodora) (Odorless mineral spirits)
-Rublev brand oil gel. Sold online at (
It can be replaced with refined flaxseed oil.
– Liquin Oleopasto – Winsor & Newton (Not required but recommended for texture application and quick drying of coats)
I recommend these colors but each person can bring the ones they normally use.
-Cremnitz White
-Michael Harding
-Genuine Naples Yellow Light
– Michael Harding -Genuine Naples Yellow Dark
– Michael Harding -Raw Umber – Michael Harding
-Transparent Oxide Brown
– Michael Harding – Burnt Sienna
-Michael Harding
-Cadmium Red Light
-Michael Harding
-Magenta – Michael Harding
-Cobalt Blue -Michael Harding
-Van Dyke Brown-Gamlin
List of cheaper colors:
-Titanium White – Winsor & Newton
-Yellow Ocher Pale – Winsor & Newton
-Raw Umber – Winsor & Newton
-Burnt Umber – Old Holland
-Red Umber – Old Holland
-Alizarin Crimson – Winsor & Newton
-Cobalt Violet – Winsor & Newton
-Viridian – Winsor & Newton
-Utramarine Blue – Winsor & Newton
-Ivory Black – Winsor & Newton
(Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour)
Not Winton
Other materials:
-Wooden or paper pallet.
-Spatula to mix colors.
-Container for turpentine.
– Triangular makeup sponge.
-Kitchen paper.
*For any question, do not hesitate to contact us at
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