DATE: 8, 9 & 10 September, 2023.
CONTACT: info@lagaleriaroja.
Online platform: Google Meet.
In this workshop, I’ll guide you through my process for painting virtual plein air studies. I’ll demonstrate my digital painting workflow, show how I observe and mentally break down a scene, and discuss my philosophy toward studies and practice. You’ll learn how to build your own routine of regular virtual (and on-site) plein air painting, and how you can use that routine to hone your eye for color, light, perspective, and composition.
Each day of the workshop, I’ll give a short lecture + demo + Q&A, then we’ll all go on a virtual plein air painting trip to a new Google Streetview location via MapCrunch. I’ll lead us in carefully observing the lighting conditions, color behavior, and atmosphere of the location, while we each explore the area and choose a view to paint. I’ll livestream my own painting and then do a round of critique for everyone’s work.
Materials: I’ll be demo’ing in Photoshop, but you can use whatever painting software you’re most comfortable with. I suggest working on either a computer with drawing tablet or an iPad with Apple Pencil. You’re also welcome to use a traditional medium if preferred, however please note that all technique demos and painter feedback will be digital. Please submit all work as .jpgs.
Mike McCain: art director and designer based in Los Angeles with a background in game development. I’m currently in visual development on Spider-Verse at Sony Animation, and just finished art directing a film adaptation of Charlie Mackesy’s book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse for NoneMore Productions.
*Frequent questions:
What happens if I can’t see the classes live one day?
• No problem. All classes are live but will also be recorded and posted on our platform. So you can see them whenever you want throughout the duration of the course. This means that if you cannot attend your class live at the stipulated time, you will be able to see them on the platform until the end of the course. These video-classes posted on the platform can be viewed unlimitedly during the duration of the course but cannot be copied or downloaded. They can also be viewed for 20 days once the course is over.
When can I see the classes I did not attend live?
• Access to the virtual platform where you can consult all the information or documentation of the course, access all the classes that have already been taught or the proposed exercises.
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