La Galería Roja

Contemporary art | Arte Study Center

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BALLPOINT WORKSHOP with Nicolas V. Sánchez.


BALLPOINT WORKSHOP with Nicolas V. Sánchez. 

DATE:  24, 25 and 26  March , 2023.

SCHEDULE: Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Spanish time)
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Spanish time)

DURATION: 20 hours

PLACE: La Galeria Roja. Calle Peral, 10. 41002, Seville.

LANGUAGE during the workshop: Spanish and English.



BALLPOINT WORKSHOP with Nicolas V. Sánchez. 

Day 1.
Introductions and presentation of Nicolas about his career and influences. Any question about the work process of NicolasNicolas practical demonstration to see live how he works. After the demonstration, each student begins with a drawing that will be proposed in the workshop.
Day 2.
Nicolas continues his demonstration. Analysis, questions, answers and development. After the practical masterclass by Nicolas, each of the students continues with the drawing started the previous day. Custom tracking by Nicolas. Constructive criticism, advice and recommendations to improve your skills and technique in color drawing.
Day 3.
The individual practice and the tutoring of Nicolas to the work of each one of the students continues.
Recommended Materials:
-4 bolic Bic. Color: Red, blue, green and black
– Warm tone paper or white paper. Any paper, as long as it is very soft or smooth.

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BALLPOINT WORKSHOP with Nicolas V. Sánchez. 

DATE: 24, 25 and 26  March , 2023.

SCHEDULE: Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Spanish time)
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Spanish time)

DURATION: 20 hours

PLACE: La Galeria Roja. Calle Peral, 10. 41002, Seville.

LANGUAGE during the workshop: Spanish and English.



BALLPOINT WORKSHOP with Nicolas V. Sánchez. 

Day 1.
Introductions and presentation of Nicolas about his career and influences. Any question about the work process of NicolasNicolas practical demonstration to see live how he works. After the demonstration, each student begins with a drawing that will be proposed in the workshop.
Day 2.
Nicolas continues his demonstration. Analysis, questions, answers and development. After the practical masterclass by Nicolas, each of the students continues with the drawing started the previous day. Custom tracking by Nicolas. Constructive criticism, advice and recommendations to improve your skills and technique in color drawing.
Day 3.
The individual practice and the tutoring of Nicolas to the work of each one of the students continues.
Recommended Materials:
-4 bolic Bic. Color: Red, blue, green and black
– Warm tone paper or white paper. Any paper, as long as it is very soft or smooth.


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